1: Why do you escort?
It is my little escape from my day to day life, that makes me feel fabulous and alive. I enjoy being desired/lusted for and want to make my client feel the same. I genuinely enjoy meeting new, interesting people.
2: If you could be a superhero (or villain) for a day, who would you most want to be?
Cat woman. Just so I could wear the super sexy black outfit!
3: What fictional place would you most like to go?
As a true fan of Harry Potter, I’d have to say Hogwarts…
4: Do you genuinely enjoy longer bookings?
Yes, they are my favourite. I do prefer getting to know someone and building that comfort and connection first before getting physical. Makes it more special.
5: We all have a guilty secret when it comes to music, what band or artist from the 80’s or 90’s do you listen to when no one else is around?
I love 90’s dance music! Definitely my guilty pleasure. I still have many of the top 90s hits in my playlist. They don’t make music like that any more!
6: Which discontinued TV series would you most want to bring back?
The Big Bang Theory was one of my favourites. The humour was very different from any of the other shows I’ve watched.
7: What is your favourite position?
Doggy style always wins. Feels best for sure.
8: If you could go anywhere in the world on holiday, where would it be and why?
The Maldives is at the top of my list… waking up to clear, blue water and a white sandy beach view sounds like a dream.
9: What is the smartest thing you have ever done?
Lived life for my own true happiness and not for what society tells us to do.
10: What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?
Probably doing escort work – the thrill each time is just priceless.
11: What is something everyone should do at least once in their life?
Do a solo trip abroad, even if it’s just for a couple days. It’s so peaceful and you learn so much about yourself in your own company.
12: What annoys you?
Arrogance and rudeness.
13: What is the most irritating habit that other people have?
Being late! I always make sure to respect other peoples time and I’d expect people to do the same.
14: Which body part of yours do men/women compliment the most?
My face or my round, toned bum (which was built with lots of hard work in the gym!)
15: In your opinion, how many persons would the perfect sexual experience involve?
I prefer to stick with just two people and make it special. I don’t like to share lol!
16: Your date would like to buy you a gift, but is concerned not to make an unwanted purchase. Are there gifts that you simply have enough of, or which would be best avoided?
Any sort of gift is very much appreciated. I think it is a very sweet gesture of someone to do that.
17: Are you the kind of person who knows what all the little forks and spoons are for when at a fine dining restaurant but at the same time do you enjoy a beer and a slice of pizza?
I enjoy fine dining a lot and know how to maintain the right etiquette for this. But I also love more casual dining. It’s more about the company!
18: What is the most embarrassing situation a client has put you in on a date? Are there other such situations that you would really like to avoid in future?
Being rude and demanding to the waiter to try and prove to me that he is “alpha male” and has the “power” – if anything it had the opposite effect on me and was more of a put off.
19: If you could choose freely amongst all the persons in the world, living or dead, who would be your number one choice to have between your legs?
Although he is a fictional character, Tommy Shelby from Peaky Blinders is right up my street.
20: If a client voices a stupid opinion to which you disagree, would you tell him/her so or would you nod in agreement?
I am very bad at lying so wouldn’t be able to agree to something I don’t believe… I would politely agree to disagree.
21: What is your favourite quote?
“Don’t die wondering.”
22: What is the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything?
Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realise they were the big things.