Booking form
Please note that the booking form is only for advance bookings i.e those that are more than 24 hours in advance. In order to be able to give you the level of service that you require, please understand that we cannot deal with email bookings on the day
Furthermore, back-and-forth emails can become very counterproductive and we find that most bookings can be dealt with in 5 emails or less. For longer bookings, we understand that they might need more than 5 emails but for short bookings this is definitely not the case – please respect this.
On the day bookings
If you would like to make a booking today then please call us on 0207 183 1094 and we will be delighted to assist you in any way we can.
Can’t get through first time? If we are unavailable it will be because we are on the other line, so just leave us a voicemail and we will call you back. Please note that we will only call you back if you have left a message asking us to do so.
Advance bookings
If you would like to make an advance booking; one which is 24 hours in advance, then feel free to call us or to use the form below.
Please note that you will need to fill out the form in full: including your surname, the date, time and duration of your proposed booking. Don’t worry if you do not know who you want to see, we’re here to help with that.
We will also need your phone number but this is purely for reference and to avoid unnecessary “back and forth” emails. Rest assured, we will never directly contact you without first being asking to do so by yourself. If you omit any of the required information then we may result in us not replying to you.
Longer Bookings
If you would like to make a longer booking, such as a few days away, then it is always best to use the booking form. This is because during our busiest times of the day we may not have time to have the type of in-depth conversation that multiple day bookings require, so we find that email is often the best point of contact for these types of meetings. However, we will need to speak to you in person, we believe in talking to our clients as it helps us get to know them better, therefore allowing us to be in a better position to fulfil their needs.
How far in advance can I book?
The answer to that question is a little more fluid and often has a lot to do with you i.e are you new to us or are you one of our well know regular clients?
If you are a regular client of ours and you rarely ever need to cancel then the following applies to you.
: 1-2 hour bookings can be booked up to 2 weeks in advance.
: Dinner dates and overnights can be booked up to 4 weeks in advance – further ahead if you are paying a deposit.
: Multiple day bookings can be booked as far in advance as you wish as we understand the need to plan ahead and of course these types of bookings are always subject to a deposit.
If you are a new client then the following applies to you.
: 1-2 hour bookings can be booked up to 4 days in advance and no further ahead than that. Recently we have found that a lot of people “pencil in” these short bookings on the off chance that the might possibly be able to fit them in around meeting. While we understand the desire to book in “just incase”, we still need to take a firm stand on how far in advance new clients can book. It’s our job to look after our ladies as well as our clients.
: Dinner dates and overnights can be booked up to 2 weeks in advance – however, they can be booked further ahead if you are paying a deposit.
: Multiple day bookings can be booked as far in advance as you wish as we understand the need to plan ahead and of course these types of bookings are always subject to a deposit.
Of course common sense would deem that if you are new to us and you absolutely need to ensure that you can make a 2 hour booking for 6 weeks time and if you are happy to pay the full amount by transfer, at the time of booking, then we will be happy to take your advance booking.
If you are a regular client but you find that these days you have to cancel every other booking then we will advise you to book on the day. Please do not be offended by this. We understand that your work schedule is hectic. We are simply asking you to respect that these ladies plan their lives around your bookings and they need to know what they are doing each day: if you frequently need to cancel meetings then it really is best just to book on the day.
If in doubt, just call us and ask.