Blonde Escorts at Allure
Welcome to our array of beautiful blonde escorts. At Allure our ladies have many attractive attributes. An Allure girl must possess that “je ne sais quoi”. In addition to being warm, kind, articulate, friendly and just a little bit naughty. Ok, perhaps very naughty. So you can be sure no matter what their hair colour, an Allure girl is always fantastic to spend time with. However, it is interesting how us humans are attracted to certain physical attributes. Although we are a boutique escort agency in the truest sense, we carefully curate our gallery of ladies so that you have a solid selection of stunning ladies no matter what your physical preference.
“It is also possible that blondes prefer gentlemen” – Mamie Van Doren
Do Gentlemen prefer blondes?
In 2020 dating site, Badoo conducted a survey to find out which hair colour was the most attractive to men. So contrary to the 1953 film titled “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes” it turns out that gentleman prefer brunettes. A whopping 59.7% of men surveyed said they were most attracted to women with either brown hair (33.1%) or black hair (28.6%). Only 29.5% of men said they fancied blondes the most and 8.8% had a penchant for red heads.
Of course this is a snapshot in time. When Baywatch was at the height of it’s fame I think Pamela Anderson was most every lad’s pin up girl in her tiny red swimsuit. Now seen as antiquated but back in the mid nineties FHM would compile their “100 sexiest women in the world” list annually. Each winner is undoubtedly beautiful but all sport an array of hair colours. The only difference is their level of exposure for that particular year. For example Anna Kournikova won the title in 2002 when she was actually still playing tennis. Britney Spears, the world’s pop princess won the top spot in 2004 as she embarked on a world tour, launched her first perfume, married her childhood sweetheart and dominated the headlines daily. Margot Robbie topped the poll just after the release of Wolf of Wall Street.
The Blonde Type
Whether you would normally make a bee line for a blonde or you just fancy seeing if blondes really do have more fun, we have some truly wonderful girls here at Allure. Perhaps, you would like to break the ice and start your date off with a cocktail or a glass of champagne? We explore a couple of bars to get better acquainted with your chosen companion at.
“I go to bed with a few drops of Chanel N° 5, and I wake up each morning to a glass of Piper-Heidsieck; it warms me up” – Marilyn Monroe
The Sophisticated Blonde Cocktail Bar
If your perfect blonde date is an uptown girl then head to the Donovan Bar at Brown’s Mayfair. Named after the photographer Terrence Donovan. Terrence captured many a blonde with his 35mm lenses. Twiggy, Princess Diana and Claudia Schiffer to name but a few. If you look closely you will find prints of his work scattered around this sleek and polished bar. Donovan’s will impress the chicest and most sophisticated of girls. I think any of our Allure models, not just our blonde escorts would enjoy a date with you here.
Master mixologist at the Donovan bar, Salvatore Calabrese is industry famous. Salvatore has conjured up cocktails for celebrities, royalty and world leaders. Maybe he can fix you and your companion a drink? Sample cocktails from the “Evoke” menu, named because the catalogue of drinks inside are said to evoke a feeling inside. To really feel something I suggest ordering a Red. Key ingredients are Patron reposed tequila, amaro santon, bell peppers, mezcal and bubbles. Guaranteed to knock your socks off.
The Cool Blonde Cocktail Bar
A cool blonde; a pretty, laidback blonde girl that breezes past all confident and care free. The instrumental intro to Beach Boys California Girls starts playing in your head. Finally, she looks your way and says hello. Dressed in tight jeans with a glorious blonde mane of loose waves smelling divine. This is the exact type of cool blonde to take for a drink or two at Sweeties.
On the top floor of The Standard you will find Sweeties. A smart but atmospheric cocktail bar to have the best time at. Polished but not over done. Floor to ceiling windows, a giant disco ball and an impressive roster of live DJ’s make Sweeties the ideal first date venue with any one of our ladies. Lastly, be sure to drink a couple of glasses of water along with the potent cocktails. Ideally, you would like to wake up with a blonde bombshell and not a hangover.
Whatever type of blonde you prefer, never forget that Allure has some of the most exciting blonde escorts available in London and they’s all be delighted to meet you.